
Jan 5, 2016

From the Heart of an Artist

I've been an artist all my life.  I don't need a piece of paper or a degree to tell me so.  Being an artist simply means...
    ~one who creates, and sees the world a little differently.
   An artist sees God's beauty in the smallest of details.  An artist sees what CAN be.  An artist never stops creating.
   I see things, I want to change them, color them, paint them, sculpt them, and hang them on a wall. 
   An artist's mind never stops.  An artist's heart always feels, and beats to a melody.

A true artist creates,
      without borders,
                            or limits.
~ I am an artist!

             by Samantha Eyth

Jan 3, 2016

The Year of The Donut!

Happy New Year from Samantha's Sweets!
    I just wanted you to know,
I'm calling 2016...

Want em'?
     Go to my Sam's Sweet ARt Etsy shop,
where I make the cutest custom
Doughnut Wedding Cake Toppers ever! 
Get a custom set to match your wedding colors/theme, or choose from the adorable couples already in stock.  Each are numbered and stamped...  and totally unique!

Happy New Year!